By Julieta Ogando
La Gran Paternal
Paz Soldán 4950, La Paternal
Jun 2, 2024
The @tallerpazsoldan emerges in the contemporary art scene as a hub of creative collaboration. Here, artists not only share physical spaces, but intertwine their perspectives, forms, and techniques, creating a true symbiosis that enriches and transforms their individual practices. This workshop operates like a well-oiled machine, where each artist, through their own language, contributes to an orchestra of collective voices and visions.
The artistic research at Taller Paz Soldán is closely tied to social reality. Floralia Favelukes, with her exploration of loneliness and the globalization of acceptance standards, compels us to look beyond social surface. Her work is not just a critique, but an invitation to reflect on our authenticity in a homogenized world. On her part, Maga González addresses ecological urgency with a passion that transcends mere aesthetics, suggesting a planetary consciousness that is impossible to ignore.
The hybridization of disciplines is a distinctive signature at Paz Soldán. Caterina Cantaro, by merging textile design with conceptual thinking, challenges the traditional categories of textile art. This approach not only renews the medium but also opens new horizons of interpretation. Nacho Novillo, with his ceramic sculpture that mixes the organic with the industrial, presents a world where contrasts become complements, a true reinvention of the material.
Mariana Fuentes Zamorano and Mariquena Vallejo, through their respective media, integrate autobiographical elements that resonate with collective themes. The former, using photography, questions digital narratives, while the latter sees her work as a being in constant transformation. These practices remind us that art not only reflects the outside world but also the inner world of its creator, weaving a network between the intimate and the social.
At Paz Soldán, art is conceived as a dynamic process, a constant movement. Mariquena Vallejo emphasizes the ongoing transformation of her work, proposing a vision of art that values both the journey and the result. This approach reflects a contemporary perception where flow and change are essential, highlighting the importance of development and creative evolution.
The issues and themes of contemporary art reflected at Taller Paz Soldán are varied and profound. The works reveal a concern about how global forces standardize human experiences, an ecological urgency that calls for action, and the impact of digital technology on our perceptions and narratives. Furthermore, they address the search for authenticity in a world full of influences and external pressures and showcase the importance of interdisciplinarity, responding to a complex and multifaceted world.
The proposals of the artists at Taller Paz Soldán are relevant and significant for their ability to reflect and critique current social and technological dynamics, technically innovate through the combination of disciplines and materials, explore identity and human experience in a constantly changing world, and promote a process-oriented art that values both the creative journey and the final outcome.
These artists reflect their environment and era, participating in local events such as La Gran Paternal, highlighting the importance of artistic communities and shared spaces. Their works resonate with global concerns like sustainability and local ones like community narratives. They balance the incorporation of modern technology with traditional techniques, reflecting a world in transition.
In addition to mutually enriching their practices, the artists of Taller Paz Soldán address and reflect key issues and themes of contemporary art, making their collaboration an interesting and relevant proposal that is in tune with the challenges and realities of the present.
You can see the photographic record here.
[Artists of the workshop]
Maga González, Caro Linera, Ana Villanueva,
Jorgelina Buchara, Florencia Favelukes,
Mariana Fuentes Zamorano, Nacho Novillo,
Maria Luiza Amorim, Marisol Tropea,
Bárbara de Lellis, Nayana Guanipa,
Azul Montenegro, Mariel Britez, Anita Miró,
Antonella Carlino, Vicky Gutman,
Elizabeth Guerra, Cecilia Gandulfo,
Delfina Barea, Cynthya Villa Soto,
Agustino Mercado, Maria Victoria Sananes,
Mariquena Vallejo, Julia Foti, Dante Zaballa
Tomás Ricolu001f, Dalia Fubini, Antonia Lara,
Felipe D’ Annunzio, Veerle Ebben