By Julieta Ogando

From The Workshop: Yeruá, Yoli, La Maldonado, Paz Soldán

From The Workshop: Yeruá, Yoli, La Maldonado, Paz Soldán

From The Workshop: Yeruá, Yoli, La Maldonado, Paz Soldán

+ 53 Artists

Casa Nacional del Bicentenario, Recoleta


Sep 5, 2024

The exhibition 'From the Workshop' at the National House of the Bicentennial not only celebrates the diversity and creativity of Buenos Aires artists but also highlights a crucial aspect of the contemporary artistic scene: the vitality of collaborative spaces in the development and visibility of modern art. This exhibition is an essential window into the dynamism that currently characterizes art in Buenos Aires, evidencing how these workshops are not mere workplaces but authentic catalysts for innovation and artistic dialogue.

By bringing together artists from various backgrounds and styles under one exhibition roof, 'From the Workshop' stands as an eloquent testament to the effervescence of collective artistic production. It highlights the role of these spaces as creative laboratories where experimentation and collaboration transcend mere coexistence, enriching both participants and the global artistic landscape.

This exhibition also urges recognition and support for these workshops as fundamental epicenters for the sustainability of local artistic culture. The acknowledgment that 'From the Workshop' provides to these artists and their collective methodologies not only validates their efforts but also positions them as references for future generations of creators. Its importance lies in the ability to underline artistic interdependence and the emerging synergy of creative diversity, highlighting the crucial role of these environments in the perpetuation and evolution of contemporary art.

From paintings and photographs to installations and ceramics, the exhibition emphasizes the diversity and cultural exchange that characterize the contemporary artistic scene of Buenos Aires. From the reinvention of industrial spaces into crucibles of creativity to the personalization of each work that challenges and redefines what art means in the modern urban context, 'From the Workshop' is a testament to art as a living and breathing phenomenon.

It serves as a reminder that art is not only displayed on walls or pedestals; it is born and nurtured in these workshops, meeting points where artists from various backgrounds come together to create something genuinely unique. This exhibition invites us to reflect on the relationships between artists, the influence of their shared environment on their work, and how these collective factors shape the direction of their artistic production.

This photo captures the overall atmosphere of the MAPA fair space during the event. The venue, characterized by its industrial architecture, is filled with attendees mingling and viewing the artworks. The setup includes several pieces of art displayed along the white walls of the gallery, illuminated by the venue's lighting, contributing to a vibrant and engaging atmosphere.

Your vision is unique; your project is extraordinary.

Share ideas, projects, and any initiative that you think can contribute to our conversation about

contemporary art.

This photo captures the overall atmosphere of the MAPA fair space during the event. The venue, characterized by its industrial architecture, is filled with attendees mingling and viewing the artworks. The setup includes several pieces of art displayed along the white walls of the gallery, illuminated by the venue's lighting, contributing to a vibrant and engaging atmosphere.

Your vision is unique; your project is extraordinary.

share ideas, projects, and any initiative that you believe can contribute to our conversation about

contemporary art.

This photo captures the overall atmosphere of the MAPA fair space during the event. The venue, characterized by its industrial architecture, is filled with attendees mingling and viewing the artworks. The setup includes several pieces of art displayed along the white walls of the gallery, illuminated by the venue's lighting, contributing to a vibrant and engaging atmosphere.

Your vision is unique; your project is extraordinary.

Share ideas, projects, and any initiative that you think can contribute to our conversation about

contemporary art.